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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Earn money using Yahoo search

If you spend a lot of time on the Internet like i do searching for information,why don't we get paid for spending that time online? Especially when it is possible!

homepages-friends (hpf) allows us to do just that! hfp uses the Yahoo search engine and when we search using it, we are get paid. You may find it hard to believe - i did too, until i tried it myself. On the first day I earned £0.07! not much, but for just 10 searches its not bad at all, can you guess how much i will earn with more searches in a whole month?

I give it a 5 star rating........go try it, just click on the link below.



  1. Wow, that's really interesting! I will check it out and let you know what I think about the service. I appreciate your sharing this tip!

  2. Worth a shot what could it hurt.
