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Monday, April 21, 2008

Snaps Shots of Posts

How Do Get what You Get What You want?
So far we have dealt with two of the most important and arduous parts of the financial planning process. You’ve learned how to develop your personal financial profile. And you’ve figured out how to set your personal financial goals and objectives.
Now let’s look at different strategies that you can use to achieve the aims you’ve set for yourself. I will start in this post by showing you how to adopt strategies that match your financial profile and your goals and objectives.
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What Do You Want? - Setting Financial Goals and Objectives
So now you’ve sketched your financial profile - a portrait of how you live today, you know how much you’re worth and you know what cash comes in and what goes out. But what about your goals and objectives?.
Goals are broad forecasts of what you want to achieve. An example ‘I want a comfortable retirement’. Objectives are more specific and tired to a time frame. ‘I want to retire on December 31 2012 with an income of GHc50,000 ($50,000) a year’, for instance.
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Earn money using Yahoo search
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet like i do searching for information,why don't we get paid for spending that time online? Especially when it is possible!
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31 Inspirational Quotes
Quotes are powerful inspirational tools, a quote could make a big difference to your day. Here are 31 of my favoriate quotes to insipire you each day for a month. Email me If you need more and i will send you 200 of my great quotes to inspire you.
-Wealth is when small efforts produce big results; Poverty is when big efforts produce small results
- the greatest mathematical discovery of all times compound interest- Albert Einstein
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The Five Laws of Gold (Money)

Let's look at what Clason has to say about wealth creation in the chapter The Five Laws of Gold:

Law #1: Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family.

Here we see the concepts of 'pay yourself first' and 'save one-tenth of what you earn' reinforced. This law explains that you don't need a shortcut to wealth, because steady and consistent savings will earn enough interest over time to create a sizeable estate.
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